Outlaw, yes indeed. I wasn't referring to Angel Eyes. Never read any of his/her posts before, actually.
Trevor Scott
JoinedPosts by Trevor Scott
What JW apologist do not understand.
by Anti-Christ inthe more i read the comments made by jw who still "believe" in the doctrines of the wt the more i see that they are in denial.
first off they debate on a board they are not even supposed to be on, they are going directly against the gb counsel.
when they debate they do not give the actual wt doctrine as an example they give their own personal opinion, their own interpretation a watered down version of the doctrine to make it look better, less aggressive.
What JW apologist do not understand.
by Anti-Christ inthe more i read the comments made by jw who still "believe" in the doctrines of the wt the more i see that they are in denial.
first off they debate on a board they are not even supposed to be on, they are going directly against the gb counsel.
when they debate they do not give the actual wt doctrine as an example they give their own personal opinion, their own interpretation a watered down version of the doctrine to make it look better, less aggressive.
Trevor Scott
I might be letting the cat out of the bag here, but I think some of the "JW" posters here have some very... deep-seated... issues...
For those that say the Witnesses are NOT a HCG - High Control Group
by besty inlet's start a quick list for reference.. here's a gem from the 2008 keep yourself in god's love book:.
"....should the newlyweds identify to all the giver of each gift?
christians from macedonia.
Trevor Scott
Cicatrix, you just reminded me of a situation in my hall growing up. There was a couple with friends in a nearby hall (10 mins away) and they decided to attend there rather than at their 'designated' hall. They were brought before the elders at the new hall simply for attending and were told they would not be permitted to have any privileges in the new hall.
What are the means the WTS use to ensure that the organisation never crumbles?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe wts are a group of men in new york who have built an organisation that probably will never crumble.
their success comes from not debating anyone,becoming unapproachable,and answering to no one.
they use lawyers,elders,circuit overseers,and district overseers as a front to distract and distance everyone.. how can we or anyone fight an organisation that you cannot see or talk to?.
Trevor Scott
I need some good sriptures & reasoning to refute Jesus = Michael Archangel
by androb31 ini have a lot of good stuff at home on the subject but i'm at work and could use some help for a friend who was just conversing w/ a jw..
Trevor Scott
My tongue was firmly in my cheek. But of course, you are correct.
I need some good sriptures & reasoning to refute Jesus = Michael Archangel
by androb31 ini have a lot of good stuff at home on the subject but i'm at work and could use some help for a friend who was just conversing w/ a jw..
Trevor Scott
I need some good sriptures & reasoning to refute Jesus = Michael Archangel
by androb31 ini have a lot of good stuff at home on the subject but i'm at work and could use some help for a friend who was just conversing w/ a jw..
Trevor Scott
: Seems like the NWT forgot to insert "(other)" here.
They also forgot to add it to Rev 5:13:
And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying, "To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever."
Maybe Jesus was praising himself here...
I need some good sriptures & reasoning to refute Jesus = Michael Archangel
by androb31 ini have a lot of good stuff at home on the subject but i'm at work and could use some help for a friend who was just conversing w/ a jw..
Trevor Scott
Leolaia, very true.
Other verses show that Jesus is accompanied by angels at his return (Mt 16:27, Mt 24:31, 2 Th 1:7) so not surprising that 1 Th 4:16 would mention the presence of an archangel.
I need some good sriptures & reasoning to refute Jesus = Michael Archangel
by androb31 ini have a lot of good stuff at home on the subject but i'm at work and could use some help for a friend who was just conversing w/ a jw..
Trevor Scott
Sacolton, so true.
In case any doubt, the '1914 generation' doctrine is a practical example. Back in the day I would debate the legitimacy of this doctrine with JWs who would insist on its correctness. No amount of logic or scripture evidence could convince them the doctrine was false. It was correct in the face of logic, in the face of scripture. It was correct simply because the Watchtower Society said it was correct. And when the WTS said it was false, well it was false. Period. Just like that.
Always interesting to me is how the fact that they argued endlessly in favor of the 1914 generation, told people at the doors that it was the truth and even "the Creator's promise", is of no consequence to them.
Where is the guilt for preaching false doctrine? For literally being one of the false teachers the Bible predicted for latter days?
Where is the fear of God for telling countless people that He "promised" something that he did not promise?
I need some good sriptures & reasoning to refute Jesus = Michael Archangel
by androb31 ini have a lot of good stuff at home on the subject but i'm at work and could use some help for a friend who was just conversing w/ a jw..
Trevor Scott
: You used a version that isn't true to the original question so it loses a lot just for that.
Lol. Coming from someone who recommends the NWT, that really is funny.
Are you aware that your cult leaders quote from the CEV regularly?
You have a problem with the NIV as well? I quoted it verbatim in my last post.
Verse 9 does not refute my position. How ridiculous. This is a blatant red herring. "Look elsewhere everybody!"
As your cult leaders and everyone with half a brain accept, verse 5 and 13 are RHETORICAL questions. In other words, they are STATEMENTS worded in the form of a question.
That being the case, according to verses 5 and 13, God never said 'X' to *ANY* angel, but of course we know He *DID* say 'X' to Jesus. Ergo, Jesus cannot be an angel.
If you accept scripture, then Jesus CANNOT be an angel. Period. There is nothing to debate. Of course, you are a Jehovah's Witness and therefore you do not believe the Bible; you believe the Watchtower Society. So I'm sure you're still game...